Blog post 15 January 2025 I love a road trip, especially in summer. Even the very slow, traffic-jammed rush out of Auckland didn’t dampen my enthusiasm today. I was getting out of the city and heading to the mighty Waikato to work on the site for Festival One. My happy place. I am particularly partial…
Chalk It Up
A new year begins for us tomorrow and on Sunday Rhythms of Grace starts a new year of of gathering and sustaining its community in following Christ in their worlds. We haven’t usually met in January and doing so offers some new possibilities. “Chalking It Up” (also known as “chalking the door”) is one of…
“You will know the Truthiness, and it will set you Free-ish”.
We’re in the midst of overlapping pandemics – the first an actual virus, the second a metaphorical but no less-real virus-like spread of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. It worries me that so few churches seem to be acting out of truth. In particular when it comes to worship events.
How do I love thee? Let me count the days.
Day 33 of Lent Day 7 of Lockdown in New Zealand Day 1 of unemployment, and being a pastor without a community. Day 1 of April: April Fools Day 2020 isn’t a great year for April Fool’s jokes.Not practical ones anyway. Memes are in. For a joke to work it needs to connect with our…
Settling In….
Just settling in and wandering around in this website while I get to know the place and who lives here. I’ve just arrived and its all new to me. As my welcoming gift I’ll leave the Hand Out (HO) for the 24/7 YouthWork Training Prayer morning I’m curating next week. No one has seen this and…