It was with great pleasure that the guild recently added Pete Majendie (Christchurch, New Zealand) and Ted Lyddon Hatten (Indianola, Iowa) to its membership. Both initiations took place in New Zealand and involved the fabulous NZ grown Zealong tea. Pete’s initiation took place at Festival One when we took our Tea-in-a-Suitcases out among the punters,…
Guild of Tea Liturgists
Launch of the International Guild of Tea Liturgists.
Guild of Tea Liturgists Today is an auspicious day in the history of tea-liturgists and tea drinkers around the world. Today we launch the International Guild of Tea Liturgists, complete with patron saint. There appears to be no patron saint of tea drinkers already appointed. The founders of the Guild of Tea Liturgists have chosen…
To Tea & Be or Not to Tea & Be – that is a better question (contd.)
(Part 2) Tea & Be sessions at Festival One, began with a 10 minute introduction to the history of tea, how to use the tea apparatus, an explanation of the teas available and how the session would proceed. After that people chose their tea and talked with those around them. Each individual gaiwan was labelled with…
To Tea or not to Tea – that is the question.
I like drinking tea. In 1906 the seminal The Book of Tea by Japan’s Kakuzō Okakura was published in the USA. He says of tea, “(i)t has not the arrogance of wine, the self-consciousness of coffee, nor the simpering innocence of cocoa.” That’s good enough for me, although I do enjoy “simpering innocence” most days…