I write in order to clarify my thinking. I develop ideas and projects, invitations to stations for worship events, journal entries, liturgy, and until recently, most weeks a sermon/talk/reflection/homily. I mostly write to and for myself, even my sermons. A lot of what I write stays caged in zeroes and ones in my laptop. Most…
Personal Reflections
So much time… so little achieved.
I’m a bit annoyed with people who are loudly proclaiming all the projects they’ve achieved during lockdown. I’ve achieved very little. Partly this is because I have been sick for most of that time (non-Covid related, although I’m sure I could create yet another conspiracy theory that did connect the two). I’m also annoyed with…
The Other Side of the Sheet
I have a pretty cast iron stomach. The most I usually feel is slight nausea regardless of what I eat. Six weeks ago when I had my head down paying homage to the great white porcelain god Toto I knew it was because of the Bratwurst sausage I had purchased off a market bbq the…
Settling In….
Just settling in and wandering around in this website while I get to know the place and who lives here. I’ve just arrived and its all new to me. As my welcoming gift I’ll leave the Hand Out (HO) for the 24/7 YouthWork Training Prayer morning I’m curating next week. No one has seen this and…