Webinar: Wednesday 14 October 7.30pm-8.30pm (NZT) FREE. With Carey Baptist College.
In the last 15 years there has been a rise in interest by non-traditional denominations in what is known as the Christian Year – the dates given to a cycle of remembering the key elements of the life of Jesus and the Church such as his birth, death, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Far from belonging only to the Anglicans and the Catholics, this cycle celebrates the events of the Gospel story we share. It does so in a way that ensures we don’t focus our worship events and preaching only on the events we like or are familiar with, but give our communities a well rounded view of the whole story.
This webinar will give worship leaders, planners, curators and pastors some practical ways into Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas Day, and maybe into Christmas Eve/Day as well.) Practical resources of video, music, audio, liturgy and themes will be offered.
More information and to register : https://bit.ly/3b64Eqc